Obligatory Hello World~!

Hello world! I started this website as a spiritual successor to my previous website which was dedicated to showcasing some of my projects and largely geared towards being a supplementary online portfolio to my resume. That was in 2015, right as I was leaving university and started going for interviews. What happened with that previous… Continue reading Obligatory Hello World~!

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MXR Phase 90 simulation

LTspice simulation of the MXR Phase 90 pedal with simulated audio tracks and spectrogram visualisation of the phaser effect.
Set phasers to wub wub wub~

Klon Centaur pedal build

Being a widely coveted/discussed pedal, there was a plethora of quality articles and discussions on it online. These two in particularly carried me through the entire build and helped me understand the Klon’s circuit. Definitely worth a read. The next bit was understanding how the standard pedal wiring works, stereo jack in and dc plug… Continue reading Klon Centaur pedal build